Maximize the productivity, efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the maize value chain in Lombardy.
Farmers and scientific partners together to develop a system of circular agriculture that improve production and environmental sustainability.
Source of Funding
Initiative carried out within the Mais 100% Operational Group, co-financed by the FEASR
Operation 16.1.01 - 'EIP Operational Groups' of Rural development programme 2014-2020 of Lombardy region
Autorità di gestione del Programma: Regione Lombardia
Lead partner of the partnership is CIB - Consorzio Italiano Biogas, made with collaboration of University of Milan 'La Statale' - Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Territory, Agroenergy (DiSAA), Fondazione CRPA, Società agricola Agricascinazza, Società agricola La Castellana, Società agricola Palazzetto, Società cooperativa agricola Pieve Ecoenergia.

544.065,61 €

456.213,74 €

Maize value Chain

36 months
Mais 100% Project aims to indicate the possibilities of creating a circular agricultural economy system within the maize production chain. The Project has the objective of enhancing the valorisation of maize crop residues (stalks, cobs, bracts) from grain productions, ‘dry’ or wet (mash feed). Through the introduction of specific work systems, those residues can become useful materials for the typical production chains of the cereal-zootechnic areas of Lombardy and, more generally, of the Po Valley.

Enhancing the value of all maize by-products: greater efficiency and environmental protection
About us
Maximize the productivity, efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the maize value chain in Lombardy. Farmers and scientific partners together to develop a system of circular agriculture that improve production and environmental sustainability.